Young American Women, Save the World!
The survival of democracy in America may not be the message that resonates most with voters, but it’s what is at stake.

In 1941, young American men were summoned to defend the world against the menace of Nazism. Without their intervention, much of the globe could have fallen under the control of one of the most sinister regimes in history.
Today, we are calling on young American women to help protect the world from the dangers of a second Trump term. While Donald Trump is not Hitler, his brand of nationalist populism threatens to shift the global balance of power towards autocracies, putting liberal democracy in its most vulnerable position since its founding.
A second Donald Trump presidency risks pushing the world’s most powerful nation toward unchecked illiberalism and climate change denialism, with far-reaching consequences for the planet’s 8 billion inhabitants. During his first term, one of Trump’s biggest frustrations was his inability to bypass the layers of American bureaucracy, often facing obstacles to many of his policy ambitions.
Examples of how the so-called “deep state” thwarted Trump’s more extreme proposals include the Acting Attorney General’s defiance of the Muslim Travel Ban, Anthony Fauci’s numerous rebuttals against the Trump administration’s misinformation regarding COVID-19, and the Secretary of Defense’s refusal to consider deploying troops to suppress domestic protests.
If Project 2025 serves as an indicator of what a second Trump term could entail, all these safeguards would likely vanish. A central goal outlined in Project 2025 is to terminate approximately 50,000 federal employees and replace them with loyalists. Trump has also repeatedly told his supporters that if they vote for him, they won’t need to vote again.
It’s revealing that autocrats and aspiring autocrats like Putin, Orban, Milei, Bukele, and Netanyahu are all supporting Donald Trump’s return to the White House. The survival of democracy in America -and by extention, around the world — may not be the message that resonates most with voters, but it’s what is at stake.
Women in Action
One of history’s greatest ironies is that the country where everything gets updated once a month has not revised its constitution in over two hundred years. Among the many absurd consequences of this, two particularly stand out.
First, the alarming reality that there are more firearms than people in America contributes to the nation having a homicide rate that is at least 6 times higher than that of its peers.
The second point is that America is not a full democracy. There is a lack of equal representation; unlike in a true democracy, one person does not equal one vote in the U.S. This disparity helps explain how, in 2016, Hillary Clinton received 2.9 million more votes than Trump yet still lost the election.
This is why the world’s attention is fixated on the so-called “swing states.” Six states — Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona — represent only 15% of the entire American population, yet they are where the election is truly at play. In contrast, the chances of a surprise outcome in the other states are minimal.
According to several polls, the strongest predictor of voting Democrat in these six key states is being young and female. Much like in 1941, the future of the world rests on the shoulders of Americans. However, this time it’s not men but women who are crucial, and they don’t need to risk their lives; they simply need to go out and vote.